






June. 23, 20--

Good Morning, my dear friends,

As one of students with Chen Guang High School, I, SHAO Xi-yi, would like to talk to you about how I learn English by means of internet/network.

This enables me to get much useful information on learning English, by internet, to expand my horizons.

They are popular with me in favor of learning English in terms of internet. That helps me improve English, for example, by listening English songs and reading English novels. The network is to keep it convenient to me a student to be helped to communicate the information about English with many English teachers.

That finds it OK to help students with the information on English, which needs to be communicated with English teachers on internet. This leads me in knowing network is extremely beneficial to English learner’s requirement for gaining knowledge about English. As seen from above point, the network makes it easy for me to achieve my personal growth and development by providing me with English knowledge.

Getting together for a mutual exchange of the latest ideas on this, I would appreciate it if you could share the English-learning experience with me by the Internet on some interesting subjects. And I am looking forward to your speech to be delivered to audience including me on your stories you would, if any.

Thank you so much for your listening to me.

Your Sincerely

SHAO Xi-yi

请考生们看另外一篇实例英语作文:以“分享一个人如何用英语成功表达思想的快乐(To share the joy at how to make oneself understood in English successfully)”为题,写英语作文如下:

Being able to improve greatly in English, you would be expected to put English into practice by listening to English accurately and/or speaking English clearly, together with to take an interest in writing English as well as reading English to follow your teachers or friends and/or foreigners.

This helps you get friendly relationships developed socially as well as culturally between you and them in future, encouraging you to focus on educational practice and theory, which make it easy to understand custom and practice on their different views.

In terms of the knowledge-acquiring program, you as one of English-learning students would concentrate on your winning English popularity with your classmates who are interested in speaking English. By means of this, I shall find you good at making yourselves understood in English.

Having been regarded as being one of the excellent English learners, you will have a strongly honorary sense in the cheerfully-minded but steady-going teamwork. This brings you to get excellently skilled in communicating with each at face-to-face talk in English.

Combined with this, you are very experienced in dealing with the public-culture and -education affairs. That keeps you active in cooperating with some English-learning partners in having an exchange of view on topics well in English.

Becoming friendly with them in achieving an English-in-use progress, you would help them work hard at offering an excellent service to them made a success today in English, as is to hold in progress practically.

In getting on well with your friends, you will set up a good working relation with them on learning English by English-speaking, -listening to, or -writing practice, which is of the kind help greatly to you in as follows.

Its message comes to you that you attend some lectures and have English evening party, as well as English corner, letting you acquire a good knowledge and take pleasure to make you understood well in English.These are considered especially right of you as one of Top-A students to do good job in English.

You shall re-start benefits in having English knowledge acquired by delivering speech on learning strong points a lot from each other. Accepting their challenge, you will find you greatly wised in asking those for questions and broad-minded quickly in reply to ones from them. To find a use for English, you would be expected to make valuable comments on above practice in favor with you, to my delight.

This, you will find pleasant to improve in essential English. So achievable would remain your English that you will renew its benefits, having been enabled to develop proficiency in its practical use enjoyably by studying English mutually. About this, you would grow in confidence, being perhaps awarded some prizes to lucky winners who are well known to all.

To raise English level by turning intellectual climates favorable frequently to you, these encourage you to make great progress in English so much that you are asked to attend forum or conference, one that is composed entirely of native-tongue English-speaking students together with their teachers, abroad, etc.

The above makes you understood excellently in English, proving popular with listeners and viewers to find much favor with you. As this shall lead you to believe, your dream could come true to improve in your English, and so could I.

分享一个人如何用英语成功表达思想的快乐(To share the joy at how to make oneself understood in English successfully)的写作已知条件:为了交流学习英语经验、提高学习效率,某《英语学习报》正在举办以“how to make oneself understood in English”为题的英语比赛,为此请你投稿。







#挑战30天在头条写日记# 小女孩大学上的很普通的三本,寒假实习的时候只有2000元工资,觉得不够花,于是发奋努力,终于考上了211大学研究生。 看来只要努力一下,没有什么实现不了了的。我也非常高兴。特点请她和她妈妈到南京五星酒店吃了顿饭庆祝一下。 由此我想到我的宝贝儿子,不知道他可好? 刚才看到一段话:孩子不按照自己的套路出牌,叛逆,不听话,好焦虑,怎么办? 其实做父母的要明白:有的孩子人家已经几世为人,到你这个家庭来的时候,起点有可能就是我们父母一辈子攀升不到的高度。他只是借助你的身体来到这个世界,不是让你去打压她们的潜能的。 我们作为父母,只要懂爱就足够了,多去关爱孩子的健康的身体和健全的人格。 做父母的,要有放手的勇气。 大家说呢?
