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1分钟前发布 -【扬州人事考试网英语作文】https://www.shrsks.org/ask 09月20日讯:

My hometown Yangzhou is a famous historical and cultural city, has a beautiful park, the ancient streets and snack.秀美的瘦西湖位于扬州城西北部,湖长公里,有徐园、小金山、五亭桥、白塔等景点。湖区利用桥、岛、堤、岸的划分,使狭长的湖面形成层次分明、曲折多变的山水园林景观。每逢节假日,人们总是结伴来到这里游玩,漫步在湖西岸的长堤上,沐浴着温暖的阳光,耳边听着熙春台的地方戏曲,真是一种美的享受!The beautiful Slender West Lake is located in the northwestern city of Yangzhou, km long lake, there are spots Xu Yuan, small Jinshan Bridge, Baita, etc.. Bridge, island, Di, division of the lake shore, the narrow lake formed clear, ch anging landscape. During the holidays, people always go hand in hand to play here, walking on the lake west of the causeway, bathed in warm sunshine, the ear listens to the Xichun Taiwan local opera, is really a kind of beauty to enjoy!扬州的双东街区按照修旧如旧的原则进行了 改造。走进东圈门,踏上青石板,就能看见那里有很多古色古香的店铺:扬州剪纸、谢馥春、大麒麟阁、扬州漆器等等,让人感受到曾经的繁华,凸显了古城的韵味。Yangzhou double east block was modified according to repair old as the old principles. Walked into the east door, set foot on the green flag, you can see there are a lot of having an antique flavour shop: Yangzhou paper cutting, Xie Fuchun, kylin, Yangzhou lacquer and so on, let the human feel once bustling, highlights the ancient city of charm.富春包子是全国闻名的特色早点,汤包、蒸饺、烧卖、豆沙包、菜包、三丁包等各式面点,味道鲜美。Steamed stuffed bun Fuchun earlier nationally renowned for its characteristics, dumplings, dumplings, Steamed Jiaozi, Baozi Stuffed with Red Bean Paste, lettuce, three small packets and other kinds of pasta, taste delicious.家乡扬州真是一座古代文化与现代文明交相辉映的特色城市,我爱我的家乡!My hometown Yangzhou is really an ancient culture and modern civilization characteristic city add radiance and beauty to each other, I love my hometown!

22 评论




89 评论



My hometown Yangzhou is a famous historical and cultural city, has a beautiful park, the ancient streets and snack.秀美的瘦西湖位于扬州城西北部,湖长公里,有徐园、小金山、五亭桥、白塔等景点。湖区利用桥、岛、堤、岸的划分,使狭长的湖面形成层次分明、曲折多变的山水园林景观。每逢节假日,人们总是结伴来到这里游玩,漫步在湖西岸的长堤上,沐浴着温暖的阳光,耳边听着熙春台的地方戏曲,真是一种美的享受!The beautiful Slender West Lake is located in the northwestern city of Yangzhou, km long lake, there are spots Xu Yuan, small Jinshan Bridge, Baita, etc.. Bridge, island, Di, division of the lake shore, the narrow lake formed clear, changing landscape. During the holidays, people always go hand in hand to play here, walking on the lake west of the causeway, bathed in warm sunshine, the ear listens to the Xichun Taiwan local opera, is really a kind of beauty to enjoy!扬州的双东街区按照修旧如旧的原则进行了 改造。走进东圈门,踏上青石板,就能看见那里有很多古色古香的店铺:扬州剪纸、谢馥春、大麒麟阁、扬州漆器等等,让人感受到曾经的繁华,凸显了古城的韵味。Yangzhou double east block was modified according to repair old as the old principles. Walked into the east door, set foot on the green flag, you can see there are a lot of having an antique flavour shop: Yangzhou paper cutting, Xie Fuchun, kylin, Yangzhou lacquer and so on, let the human feel once bustling, highlights the ancient city of charm.富春包子是全国闻名的特色早点,汤包、蒸饺、烧卖、豆沙包、菜包、三丁包等各式面点,味道鲜美。Steamed stuffed bun Fuchun earlier nationally renowned for its characteristics, dumplings, dumplings, Steamed Jiaozi, Baozi Stuffed with Red Bean Paste, lettuce, three small packets and other kinds of pasta, taste delicious.家乡扬州真是一座古代文化与现代文明交相辉映的特色城市,我爱我的家乡!My hometown Yangzhou is really an ancient culture and modern civilization characteristic city add radiance and beauty to each other, I love my hometown!

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